1) No subtending of the books borrowed from the Library is permitted.
2) Books and other materials that have been issued out of the library are liable to be recalled at any time and when so
recalled they must be returned at once.
3) Reading room facility will be denied to those who will not have identity Cards.
4) Issuing Reference Books for Reference Purpose Reference books will not be issued out of library. Such books are to
be referred in the library only.If any member borrows such book for reference purpose it is to be returned on the same day.
5) Loss of Books
In case journal (Bound) is lost by the borrower he has to replace it or if a loose issue of a journal is lost, the borrower
has to makes good such loss, failing which the whole set will have to be replaced by the borrower.
6) However, if such a journal is found to be out of print & hence cannot be replaced in such a case the original price of journal
as per record will have to be paid by the borrower.
7) No tracing or mechanical reproduction,underlining, taking out of the pages from the books, disfiguring of the books
should be made. In such cases the member will have to replace the book or will have to pay the current prices.
8) Every member entering the library will sign his/her own name in register kept at the gate counter.
9) The biologics of the members such as his/her own books, umbrella, hat bag, purse etc. should be kept at the counter.
10) Smoking, conversation and similar objectionable practices are forbidden in the library premises.
11) The librarian is empowered to see that the proper discipline and silence is maintained in the library and in the
event of the violation the rules of the library the librarian is empowered to request the person concerned to leave the premise of the library immediately
and report the name of person to the Principal.
12) The librarian reserves the right to all back any book/journal from the borrower even before due date in case of